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安阳纺织业集聚区 打造安阳北部增长极

文章出处:网责任编辑:作者:人气:-发表时间:2013-07-10 11:53:00

Anyang City, the textile industry cluster area is located northeast of downtown, Ye City Avenue (North Outer Ring) north and south sides, planning a total area of ??9.23 square kilometers, planning and leading industry of textiles and garments, light equipment manufacturing. February 2012 by the provincial government approved the establishment of provincial high-tech Industrial Development Zone, foster regional intellectual property advantage in Henan Province and the honorary title.

2012 for Anyang City, the textile industry cluster area was an important year in terms - a total investment of 2.3 billion yuan in Henan Fengzhu Ltd. Nissan 320 tons of knitted fabrics docking project after several exchanges, negotiations finally settled after consultation industrial agglomeration area . Anyang City, the textile industry cluster Zone, director Wang Daoyong commented investment in the history of the North Gate area of ??this big event: "It opens the door, a large-scale development of the textile industry to enhance the gates of a textile industry in Anyang City cluster development the door. "

Currently, the project-related procedures are being processed, and the surrounding Fengzhu projects supporting business investment activity is ongoing. Anyang City, the textile industry cluster Economic Development Bureau staff Feng Yubin introduction, the core construction of the project is not only to build a comprehensive platform for the textile industry, and will produce a certain linkage effects associated with garment manufacturers, auxiliary supporting enterprises demand will be for the common development of the transfer of around Fengzhu transfer.

Forewarned is forearmed, without prejudging the waste. In order to accelerate the development of a new high-end textile industry cluster, Anyang City, the textile industry cluster draw a detailed map of the textile and garment industry chain, the establishment of a comprehensive project information repository, the elaboration of a roadmap for investment, composition professional, dedicated investment team, to carry out topics, special investment.

Colorful here, there flowers. Anyang City, the textile industry as another leading industry gathering area, light equipment manufacturing industry cluster effect has emerged.

In Henan Shen'an Heavy Machinery Co. production workshop, hundreds of workers are busy rush orders. Workshop Director Song Yongliang, said: "Although we are now a number of companies producing coal mine for spare parts, etc. Our three investment upon completion, will be able to produce a complete coal mine hydraulic support."

Relying on the rich resources of raw materials and Anyang Anyang City, the textile industry cluster of regional advantages, at present, Henan Shen'an Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. produces coal mine parts market tight. "Now we are sufficient orders, a plant has failed to meet order requirements, two plant has already completed the construction, equipment commissioning is now underway, is expected to put into operation in October, we will be followed by three plant construction." Song Yongliang walking Introduction.

On the same God of Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. Henan, all the way across the Anyang City HENGWEI Petrochemical Equipment Co., Ltd., general manager of the company when the reporter saw Liu positions, he is leading the technical team for research storming: "Our research is now CDQ device in a component, called the rotating seal valve, R & D challenge is to extend this component in high temperature, high-ash, high corrosive environments life, expected in July this year will be able to successfully developed. "

Company's technology chief Huyu Guo told reporters that at present, the domestic use of the rotary valve closure are produced abroad, once they have successfully developed will fill gaps in the market, the market prospect is broad.

Today, Anyang City, the textile industry cluster development of lightweight equipment manufacturing industry is not thriving, but presents a scene everywhere: Huayang Electric Co. proportional solenoid project uses high-performance JVM Co. in Canada electromagnet core technologies, products in a variety of The series switches and proportional valve electromagnet-based, can be widely used in various hydraulic industry; Jin Kun Machine Tool Co., a total investment of 400 million yuan annual output of 400 sets of large machine tools project is based on heavy large machine R & D, manufacturing, sales and service of high-tech industrial projects, major supplier of automotive products, steel and other industries, such as the mass production of automotive parts used in a variety of drilling, boring combination locomotives ......

Wang Daoyong said: "Next, Anyang City, the textile industry cluster will continue to focus on two leading industries to carry out investment activities, efforts to attract high-tech, with independent intellectual property rights, and investment capability, projects with high value-added products, decisively eliminated small scale of investment, the project does not meet the industrial planning, thus achieving rapid agglomeration leading industries, rapid improvement targets for the total economy, to create new economic growth Anyang north pole to contribute. "

Experts: Anyang City, the textile industry cluster area planning area is relatively small, only 9.2 square kilometers. In recent years, the North Gate area of ??Anyang City attaches great importance to the development of the textile industry cluster in investment, project construction and achieved some results. At present, the gathering area has formed a new equipment manufacturing, textile two leading industries. However, the nature of industrial clustering features, the textile enterprises is relatively small, from the big gap between the requirements of the textile cluster, while large enterprises, leading enterprises is relatively small, the leading role is not obvious, industrial correlation has yet to be improved. In the future, the district should increase investment, the real textile oriented aggregation effect, the Anyang City, the textile industry bigger and stronger. In addition, since the zoning area is small, concentrated area of ??industrial development is limited, how to get more space for development, the framework around Anyang City, city services development, accelerate the integration of the city is the industrial production gathering area next focus.

  • 地址:中国广东省东莞市东坑镇井美168工业区7(镇政府对面)
  • 电话:0769-38893108/89290122
  • 传真:0769-83887323
  • 联系人:龙金禄
  • 主营产品:电磁铁 螺线管 电磁铁厂家
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